Dubbed the "Club of Luminaries" by Toastmasters International Second Vice President Radhi Spear, DTM, Club 407 ended the Toastmasters year with an inspiring slate of speakers and idea sharing. Second VP Radhi Spear, DTM shared her thoughts on how to leverage Toastmasters training through her speech, "Toastmasters in Transition." She discussed how taking advantage of learning online communication skills can help you stand out from other speakers. The future is trending toward hybrid and virtual formats. Toastmasters can offer this flexibility. The better we are at this, the more valuable the program is and the more we become the first choice in any medium. As district Trios will be taking a new role on July 1, they often have many questions about finishing the current year and starting a new one. Past District 57 Director Randie Ellington, DTM gave some some great tips in his speech, "Taking the Reins." He suggested remembering Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs when working with teams. Next, the first three things to focus on are 1. onboard your leaders, 2. create a communication plan strategy and 3. work with the outgoing team to transition. Lastly, Randie offered these tips:
Some learnings from impromptu speaking led by Founder's District Director David Hosmer, DTM:
With only 59 days left in the Toastmasters year, "Finish Strong" was the perfect theme to support our district trios in leading through the last 10 weeks of their term. Region 2 Advisor Pamela McCown, DTM, PID shared insights on promoting Toastmasters in her presentation, "It's the Final Countdown." She encouraged leaders to keep activities focused on supporting the mission of the district and especially, promoting Toastmasters training in our communities. Pamela highlighted that a key part to club websites is to have engaging information on the homepage that appeals to non-members. This will help to peak their interest, click more into the website and hopefully, attend a meeting and join the club. Another key, is to touch base with previous members - invite previous members to renew. Our second speaker, Region 1 Advisor Mark Lucas, DTM, PDD delivered a presentation that helped to keep our leaders organized while finishing out their current term and getting ready for their next role. In his speech, "Transitioning: How to Perform Two Roles Without Going Crazy," Mark offered these tips: 1) schedule your time 2) talk with current team to ensure seamless transition 3) build a pipeline of leaders 4) get a mentor and meet weekly and 5) delegate tasks. Oftentimes, when a person becomes a trio member for the first time, it's like transitioning from low or mid-level management to the C-suite (executive level leadership, e.g. CEO, CMO). He ended with a powerful reminder that courage is the "ability to continue forward though you don't know the chances for success." Key tips from our Active Learning (impromptu Q&A) session led by Ede Ferrari-D'Angelo, DTM, PID:
In honor of Toastmasters International's mission, "We empower individuals to become more effective communicators and leaders," this month's theme was "Who Else Gets to Experience Toastmasters?" The presentations focused on sharing tips and strategies to attract members to our powerful organization, so they too, can become more effective communicators and leaders. This meeting offered a rare speaking slate of TWO past international presidents: Alfred Herzing, DTM, PIP and Pat Johnson, DTM, PIP. Pat kicked things off with her presentation, "A Paradigm Shift." This guru of building corporate clubs and author of A Handbook for Building & Sustaining Vibrant Toastmaster Programs in Corporations, shared fantastic tips on how to work with corporations to charter clubs, as well as how to rebuild those that may need that support. Check out this podcast for more information. Alfred delivered an insightful presentation on increasing club membership. His speech, "Speechcraft: The #1 Membership Building Tool," excited listeners with how he broke down the program. It was easy to see why Speechcraft is a great way to attract members. |