What people are saying about the Club 407 experience
"Leadership though rewarding can also be daunting. The resources and guidance of the members of club 407 provided me with the tools and understanding I needed to fulfill my responsibilities as a district leader. They were particularly helpful when I was planning business meetings, success planning, succession and communications plans with senior team members and the rest of the district. Members served as mentors, resources and as friends, they are but a phone call away. I am grateful for the support, passion, and ability to help each other as we fulfill our district mission."
Lawrence Quesada, DTM District 52 Director 2021-2022 Club Member since July 2020
"I will always be grateful to the District officer who in 2009 invited me to attend a meeting of the Past District Governors/Directors Club. There I met leaders who while focused on the success of their districts, were willing to mentor me on my leadership journey. By building on their experience and knowledge, I was able to lead my district to Distinguished, and then move on to leadership at the International level. And now, I look for an opportunity to invite future leaders to one of our meetings, knowing that they will gain so much from what our members have offer."
Ede Ferrari-D'Angelo, DTM Past International Director Region 10, 2014-2016 Past Region 10 Advisor 2012-2013 Past Founder's District Director 2010-2011 Club Member since May 2009
"I first joined 407 as a member of the Top 3 in District 12 in the Inland Empire region of Southern California as an opportunity to learn from those who had been there before. As a Past District Director and later as an International Director, I had the opportunity to mentor many of the incoming district leaders in Southern California. Now, as a Past International Director I am part of the group assisting districts throughout Region 2 and 3 and others in the world of Toastmasters to be successful in their leadership journey. 407 is the club where I can continue to learn and assist others on their path to success."
Michael Osur, DTM Past International Director Region 10, 2016-2018 Past District 12 Governor 2013-2014 Club Member since June 2011